Friday, December 2, 2011

Snow White

Having worked closely with some of the best goat milk and the best cow milk, I'm really amazed by the differences in them. The color alone is amazing. Our goat's milk is so white, and the beautiful jersey milk is so golden. Like Snow White vs Goldilocks :)

I don't recall ever really appreciated the qualities of milk before now either. When we were kids I remember getting milk delivered in the early morning hours, and how fun it was to go collect the bottle of cream line milk fom the silver treasure chest on the front porch.  Sometimes there would even be orange juice at my grandmothers.  I remember the feel of the ice cold glass bottle in my hand, the beautiful color of the milk and the way the cream rose to the top.  I never thought about the farmer who milked his cows so we could have that fresh milk.  I never wondered what breed of cows they were, or what their rolling herd milk fat average was, or what kid of solids they had.  Have I truly become a milk geek?

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