Tuesday, December 13, 2011

A friend in cheese

My friend Gail came by yesterday and spent the day here at the farm.  She arrived in time to help me with milking, then finishing up animal feedings, then we headed into the cheese room to pasteurize milk for a batch chevre.  Not the most exciting batch of cheese to make as things go, but I promised her next time we'll make something a bit more fun. 

We took a break around lunch time and shared a wonderful salad of sprouted greens and heirloom tomatoes & avocado, accompanied by what else?  Cheese!  I brought some cheeses home from my cheese event on Saturday and Gail was kind enough to bring two cheeses from her own home cheesemaking.  Along with 3 of our cheeses (2 lactic proovings and our new Spanish cheese), we had quite the cheese plate to accompany our salads. 

Among those making an appearance on our cheese plate were Grafton's two new cheeses:  Shepsog and Red Vask.  Both were good but Shepsog, a mixed milk (cow/sheep) cheese, was our favorite among the two with plenty of lovely earthy flavors and a nice finish.  Red Vask was good, but nothing we would go out of our way to buy - just not enough bang for us in the flavor department.  However, if you like a nice mellow cheese it's a very good choice.

Our new Spanish cheese, made in the style of a Garrotxa, was also on our cheese plate.  We are very happy with it's development.  The rind reminds me of a river rock, but when you cut open a wheel a beautiful semi soft snow white paste is revealed.  Initial tastings have been great, I can't wait to take it to market for the first time this weekend to see what people think!

I think Gail had a good time "playing cheese" and I hope she comes back again.  I had a great time having a partner in an otherwise fairly solitary job.

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