Saturday, December 10, 2011

It's Alive

Spent most of my day at Provisions Int'l in White River Jct. attending a Vermont Cheese Council event for cheese makers and retailers.  It was interesting to hear about the challenges cheese retailers face and also those of other cheese makers.  We also heard from Allison Hooper and Peter Dixon on yeasts and molds, confirming that the stuff that grows on my cheese will actually not kill anyone - phew!  They provided a great lunch and we got a lesson in wrapping different types of cheeses and saw a variety of different cheese papers available. 

Did you ever think about the paper or packaging your cheese comes in?  Not a big deal if you just buy Kraft, but for fresh artisan cheeses it actually can make a big difference.  Someone from Jasper Hill brought 4 different versions of the same cheese, each packaged in a different paper at the same time.  It was interesting to see how the cheese evolved in each of the wrappers, and how it completely ruined it to package it in clear plastic wrap.  Artisan cheese are living breathing things and if not given a breathable environment they literally cook themselves to death - this does not make for an attractive cheese.

We even had some great cheese to practice wrapping, of course if we wrapped it we had to take it home :)  Guess what I had for dinner!

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