Thursday, December 8, 2011

One of those days

I hate it when I forget something important.  Unfortunately, I am genetically predisposed to putting too much on my plate and well, the end result is that sometimes you mess up.  While it is sometimes important, it has never been life threatening so I step up, take responsibility and blame for my own shortcomings and plod forward.  Today was such a day.

It was however a beautiful day here on the farm.  We had a lovely blanket of snow last night or this morning, and things were flocked in snow all day.  Of course the end result is that inevitably the weight of all this wet snow will pull down branches or sometimes a tree - today, an older tree or at least part of it.  Something to add to the to do list before the snow gets too deep.  Someday we'll get ahead of that list and there will actually be nothing left to check off.  Hey, a girls gotta have a dream!

In the meantime, missed deadlines and downed branches happen and we keep moving forward, remembering to take time to enjoy the beauty around us and all the joy it brings to us.

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