Sunday, December 11, 2011


Sunday is normally a day off from farm work, well kind of.  I still have to do any affinage that is needed (that's the care of the cheeses in our aging room), and any other odd tasks that require attention.  However our milk maid comes morning and early evening to milk and feed all the animals so we at least get a break from the major duties. 

Today mom is headed off to Maine to bring some goats back to Olde Mountain Farm, and Rob is off working (some big IT install at one of his offices), so I'm holding down the fort at my house and hers - which really means I'm feeding and pottying all the "house" dogs and making sure there are no major goatastrophes.  All in all it makes for a pretty quiet day around here.  I did have one special task to do today - pictures with Santa!  We selected one of our younger goats to have pictures with Santa and it was hillarious.  She was quite the attention getter when we walked into Agway, but admittedly we certainly weren't alone.  We were actually in line behind a duck for photos!

The photos are supposed to be ready on Friday so watch for them!

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