Sunday, December 18, 2011


Now that the last holiday market is done I can breathe a bit.  Both markets were great for us and the fudge and truffles, especially the truffles, were a big hit.  I even have requests for more truffles!  The only flavor right now is honey lemon and from the comments we received that is just fine. 

Also a big hit is our new Spanish Garrotxa-styled aged cheese - Tordera.  Both markets sold out completely in less than 2 hours.  Tordera has been the first aged cheese that was really mine from conception.  I am enamored with most Spanish cheeses, most because there are many I haven't even tried yet - all I've tried I have enjoyed.  I had quite a bit of expert help with this one too.  I had the opportunity to work with Enric Canut at the Vermont Institute for Artisan Cheese - one of the foremost experts in Spain on cheese.  It was through his teaching that I was able to produce this lovely little cheese.  We have a little work to do to improve rind development, really want a velvety grey rind, but it will come.  In the meantime, the flavor of this semi-soft cheese is right where we wanted.

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