Sunday, December 18, 2011

As if...

As if I don't I have enough to do.  Today while out running errands I saw these cute little red felt stockings at the check-out line while at Jo-Ann's and got an idea.  Can you say impulse purchase?  So what do I do?  I go home and customize 5 red felt stockings to put out in the farm store in two different designs:  a simple white goat, and peace love and goat. 
As if that weren't enough, as I'm looking up information about a local senior citizen Christmas Day meal that I plan to make a couple pies for and read that they are looking for gift donations too.  Money is a little tight but I do a little google search for gift ideas for seniors anyway and fine these cute fleece hand/wrist warmers and think well I have some extra fleece in my stash of fabrics, I should make some of these.  So I dig out the fleece, thread, etc., make a quick pattern from a picture I found online, and little while later I have 7 pairs of hand/wrist warmers, some to donate and some to gift.

Not bad for an evenings work.  And yes, I know I have other things to work on and that Sunday is supposed to be my day off... I think it's a genetic disorder.

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