Saturday, November 26, 2011

Here we go

We don't have many market commitments this time of year so, since our milk production is still fairly decent, this is a big research and development time of year in the cheese make room. This week in particular has been ridiculously busy.

Monday I started 3 lactic cheeses which, if all goes as planned will be ready for sale right before Christmas.

Tuesday I started a special aged cheese. It's actually a little R&D we are working on so this particular cheese is a cross between that and something special for some friends.

Wednesday I made mozzarella, again part of the R&D project.

Thursday I set some Cream Cheese, more R&D.

Friday I set our weekly batch of chèvre, which I'm about to go out and set to drain. That is a record total for us as far as varieties of cheese made in a week, 7 in total this week. Phew!

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