Friday, November 25, 2011

Blog on...

As this time of year comes around I often find myself reflecting on all the things I wanted to accomplish over the last year but never managed to get to. No regrets really, just reflection. Granted this last year has been a tumultuous one with two floods in 3 months, but looking back there is one thing I would like to improve: keeping up with my farm/cheese maker blog.

So, without further ado, I am going to start blogging every day. From Thanksgiving to Thanksgiving I will write something, anything, about life here on the farm as a goat tender/cheese maker. I don't expect to experience any moment of enlightment or great revealation, just the day to day life on the farm.

So it begins...


  1. Good luck with your blog Kim! Three things that I love – Vermont, cheese, and technology! I blogged 100 business days for work once. It was very difficult to maintain, but supremely rewarding when done. I look forward to reading...
