Monday, November 28, 2011

Just one of those days

Sunday's are usually pretty quiet here. This time of year things are slowing down. We are milking only once a day so there is less milk and so we are also making less cheese. We catch up on any pre-winter tasks, prepare for kidding season, and start making other products in preparation for the busy holiday season. Then there are Sundays like this one, that start off on the right track, but quickly become derailed by some unplanned event. Today, after a lovely brunch with family, we discovered a clogged drain. Of course it was discovered in the usual way, with water backing up all over the floor. After 2 bottles of drain cleaner and a lot of snaking, drain still not cleared. I guess it's time to call a professional.

NOTE: I typed this late last night (Sunday) but fell asleep without posting it. Oops!

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